Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Day

Well, I finally got around to updating my web page. I'm still trying to understand blogs, but with a little spare time, I'll conquer them somehow. Thanks to son Jeff, this web page is up and working once more. A major addition to this update has been a flash gallery. There's just nothing like flash for presentation of images.

As I type this blog, I'm reminded once more New Year's days are great for resolutions. I've got plenty. Let's see.....more exercise, more sleep, keep working on keeping my diet organic and eliminate unhealthy foods and snacks from it, less procrastination, taking more time for enjoyable reading, try to watch more public TV and less CNN. Oh well, the list goes on.............

Just wanted to start this blog off on New Year's Day and let you know that we will be offering some exciting new products this year and some great specials!

Think Spring!